Birth Mother's Day!!!

In May the Saturday before Mother's Day is Birth Mother's Day!!!  Families Supporting Adoption puts on an adoption walk in honor of all the Birth Parents.  Stacy and I went for the first time in 2011 before we adopted Ty and decided then that we wanted to be a part of this every year, so we went again in 2012.  It is awesome to be around so many people that love adoption like we do!!!  
When you get there they give you a balloon that you all release at the same time after you walk around the track in honor of Birth Parents.  You also can wear a sign saying who you walk in honor of and then if the Birth Parents are there they get a flower!!  They also have lots of activities for the kids, like games, Cosmo the mascot from BYU comes and then they have a fire truck and ambulance that you can go inside!  We love  being actively involved in the adoption world and are so blessed that we just got made board members over the activities for Families Supporting Adoption!!

 Ty wanted to eat the balloon :)

 You walk around the track once all together and then you go in the middle of the field and release all the balloons at the same time.  It looks awesome seeing all the balloons in the air!!!
 We love Birth Parents!!!
 We knew Cosmo would be there so we of course had to dress Ty in his BYU shirt and shoes

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