Happy Birthday Ty!!!!

I can't believe Ty is 1.  This has been one of the best years of mine and Cameron's lives.  He has brought so much joy into our lives.  I will never forget the morning of Oct 3rd when my phone rang and it was Cameron telling me he just got a call from Dane and Britany was in labor and so I needed to get ready and go to the hospital and he would meet me there.  I was so excited!!!!!  I jumped out of bed and got ready as fast as I could and went to the hospital.  It was fun to spend a lot of the day in the delivery room with Britany and Dane.  We are so blessed to have such awesome Birth Parents and the relationship we have with them.  Ty was born at 7:33pm that night.  As we sat in the waiting room the nurse told us to plan on Britany pushing for like 3 hours, when all of a sudden we heard a baby cry and it had only been about 40 minutes!!!  Hearing his cry for the first time melted our hearts.  Dane came out shortly after and had us come into the room to meet Ty.  Britany handed Ty to me and I immediately fell in love with him!!!  We cannot put into words how much we love Britany and Dane and their choice to place Ty with us!!!   We love them so much!!!!!!!  We are so grateful that we still get to see them and that they too will always be a part of our family.
For Ty's party we did a police officer theme.  My sister and I made a police car cake and cupcakes and all the decorations were in red and blue like police lights.  

 This is the first fancy cake I have ever made.  I think it turned out pretty good :)
 The Happy Birthday sign my sister and I made!!!
 Opening presents!  He loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates so he was so excited to get  a Jake!

 As you came into our house it was like you were entering a crime scene
 Ty's very own BYU chair!!!  
 He wasn't too interested in the cake.  We had to help him get a little messy :)
 My dad made a jail cell that you could go in and get your picture taken.  We also had a thing to hold up and put your face in for your mug shot!!  This is my dad with Ty!!  He loves his Grandpa's!
 He got his very own police car, just like daddy!

 We took Ty to FotoFly to get his pictures taken.  Once again they did an awesome job.  They had me bring a cake for him to play in and different props for the pictures.

 One of his presents from us was this Four Wheeler.  He loves it.  He can only make it go backwards, so we need to teach him how to go forward.

He loves climbing stairs!!!  Happy Birthday Ty, we love you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute birthday party! And I love those Fotofly pictures! My sister works there so, it's were we always get our pics done too!

    My little Logan will be 1 next month and I cannot BELIEVE how fast it's gone! Crazy!
