First time for everything!

Cameron and I never thought we would have to spend the night in the hospital when we were not working, let alone on the floor I work.  Well that all changed when Ty had to be admitted to the hospital because he was having a hard time breathing.  All winter he has had cold after cold after cold making him work hard to breath and be really wheezy.  The Saturday morning before Easter Ty was really having a hard time breathing so we took him to the doctor and they put him in the hospital and diagnosed him with ASTHMA.  All the colds he had been having was making his asthma worse and making it harder for him to breath.  He is doing so much better now that we have him on asthma medication!!  

 This was Sunday morning when he was feeling better.  He loves wearing everyone else's shoes :)
 Hanging out with his cousin Tatum in the crib
 He thought it was so fun to hide in the cupboards :)
Hanging out with dad.  He was so scared to get down and walk around when we first got there.  He just wanted to snuggle with dad :)  I love his little hospital gown, pants and socks!

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