
My sister Hannah got her mission call a little while ago. She is off to Lisbon, Portugal in August! I remember the first time I met her, she was seven years old. It's been so crazy how fast my little sis has grown up. I love her to death and she has set an excellent example for her friends. A few days ago, Hannah went through the temple for her first time. Stacy and I, my parents, and my other brother and his wife were able to go through with her. It was such a great experience. I can't wait to see my little sis grow even that much more as she goes to serve the people of Portugal. What was just as important though of course was that the night she opened her mission call, I won the contest out of like 40 people by guessing the closest spot (Spain) to which she would go. I just thought everyone should know that...   :) lol  We love you Han!

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