Golfing...or trying to!!!

This last week, two of our good friends (Stacy and Casey), as well as Stacy's sister and her fiance (Shellie and Mike), went to the driving range to brush up on some serious skills!! We had a lot of fun except for the times that Stacy hit the ball further than I did...oh well :) Stacy actually can hit the ball pretty far sometimes!! Casey, Mike, and I took turns doing little challenges to see who could come closest to the different flags. We also had a putting contest which was way fun!!! Stacy, Shellie, and Mike getting ready to tee off!

Stacy getting ready to hit while she's trying not to smile!!

Mike's like..."Can't touch this..." Shellie is explaining to Mike how a pitching wedge would be a much better option than his 9 iron for this next short shot :)
This is me...probably getting ready to miss. LOL

Stacy next to her husband Casey, who is the next tiger woods (speaking of golf only!)

Stacy making sure somebody just saw that swing cuz it was amazing!!

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